The Sustainable Water Network (SWN) believes that AZ water laws must change. They are outdated; designed to remove water from rivers/springs/aquifers with few mechanisms to keep water in rivers. These laws allow for rivers to be used up completely.
For years we have tried to get a Watershed Health bill passed, which would create a mechanism to allow more water to remain in our rivers and would task the AZ Dept. of Water Resources with surveying our watersheds and finding out what is needed to maintain/create healthy watersheds. This bill has been blocked from getting a hearing or dies in Senate and House committees (along with other water law reform proposals).
Our few remaining perennial rivers are drying up. Water laws must change; they must include values of water that cannot be measured only in dollars/acre feet. Values that include water for all: cultural water, water for rivers to exist and support all life in these amazing Arizona ecosystems that we call home.
There’s more to water than “how can we get more”
We've convened a Sustainable Water Network (formerly Sustainable Water Workgroup) to propose policies that will prevent further degradation of Arizona's rivers, lakes and springs and find new ways to balance Arizona's water interests.
We are the towns, tribes, individuals, community groups and businesses striving to modernize Arizona's water law.
**The Sustainable Water Network is hosting a virtual “River Series” to explore our relationships with local rivers and what is happening to them. See YouTube links below for recorded presentations.
For more information about this “Rivers Series” and to register for this and future presentations please email
Sustainable Water Network (SWN) River Series – YouTube links
Lower San Pedro River (Peter Else, Lower San Pedro Watershed Alliance): Peter discusses some issues facing this river such as: groundwater pumping; tamarisk invasion, consequences of man-made structures; development of "instant cities" along the San Pedro and issues concerning Sun Corridor infrastructure (SunZia/Pattern Energy) - to name a few.
Upper San Pedro River (Mike Foster, Friends of the San Pedro River): Videographer and historian, Mike Foster, takes us on a video tour of the Upper San Pedro River. He discusses and shows his videos about a recent beaver survey on the Mexican side of the river as well as sharing his knowledge and footage about the river.
Salt River (Gina Mason): Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community: Way of Life Protectors Gina Mason, biologist for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Division, discusses some the programs she’s involved in - such as water quality sampling of the Verde and Salt Rivers; revegetation projects, removal of invasive plants, river clean-ups, constructed wetlands and more.
Verde River (Gary Beverly, Citizens Water Advocacy Group, Yavapai Group and Executive Committee -Sierra Club): Learn about the values, threats and protection efforts for the Verde River, including Wild and Scenic designation efforts with long-time water activist Gary Beverly.
Opportunities and Options for Protecting and restoring Free-flowing Rivers in AZ Learn more about policy and management options that can benefit the riverine ecosystems and biodiversity of Arizona. Presented by Dr. Denielle Perry, Water Resource Geographer and Director of the Free-flowing Rivers Lab at Northern Arizona University.
Santa Cruz River: (Claire Zugmeyer and Luke Cole – Sonoran Institute) The Sonoran Institute will present information on the recent history and ecology of the Santa Cruz River from New Mexico to Marana, AZ. The discussion will include management initiatives and future strategies to secure and increase water to this living river.
The San Pedro River and the Border Wall (Kate Scott – Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center Kate Scott, Co-Founder and President of the Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center will describe the impacts of the border wall on the San Pedro River from a photojournalist perspective.
Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge (Ethan Seavey- US Fish and Wildlife, Biologist) Wildlife Biologist Ethan Seavey (Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge) will talk about "Fire and The Bill Williams River". Learn more about this important river/ wildlife refuge (located in central-western part of the state) and what is being done in response to wildfires.
Water and the Arizona Legislature (Sandy Bahr – Director of the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club). Sandy will discuss water and the AZ Legislature: What passed, what was blocked, what would make a difference.
Agua Fria River: Working with the Watershed. Learn more about the Agua Fria River; a 120- mile long intermittent stream that runs from north of Prescott to the Gila River and is a critical water and habitat source for birds, fish and other wildlife. Panelist: Ann Hutchinson, Black Canyon Heritage Park; Mary Hoadley, Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership; Tim Flood, Friends of the Agua Fria National Monument; Tony Angueira, Yavapai County Flood Control District
Read & support proposed science-based state-level water stewardship legislation in the 2020 AZ State Legislative Session:
Click to explore the full language in HB 2758 and SB 1465 - Watershed Health: Use, Survey (fortunately, this bill was introduced with bipartisan support; unfortunately, it was not given a hearing again in the 2020 legislative session)
Guest Commentary in the Arizona Capitol Time’s 2020 Focus on Water issue. (click to read and zoom in!)
Full-page ad in the Arizona Capitol Time’s 2020 Focus on Water issue (click to read and zoom in!).
Recipient of the 2018 "Leaders of the Year" award in the Environment Category!